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Quit my job, rented out my house, and packed my bag to embark on my first solo backpacking trip through South & Central America. Come join me as I share my exciting adventures, foodie and fitness tips to have fun and stay fit while fully immersing myself in the culture...

Monday, 23 January 2017

Fitspo NOT Shredding for 'Insert Festival' 101: Part 2


So as promised I'm going to share some fun tips & workouts throughout my blog & some *No BS* simple guidelines that I FOLLOW.  I get asked all the time what I do to stay fit and here are a few simple things.

1.        Set Goals- if you don’t know where you’re headed how are you ever going to get there? 
       (Without going on about it google SMART goals and write yours down) I am all about 'the secret' and mindset/ visualisation stuff and a big fan of vision boards ^ See above one i actually created last year and excitingly its all pretty much happening.

2.        Education & support are key. If you don't know what you are doing seek guidance. Ask a  PT or professional to guide you and have people to keep you motivated along the way :) Mates, Workout DVD’s, Group Fitness classes....You don't have to spend top dollar or go broke investing into crazy workout schemes but you want to make sure you're doing it right, hey? 

3.        Training regime- It doesn't have to be super strict or regimented. Start off by finding something active that you enjoy and do it as often as you can... If you want to see results then gradually increase your intensity and duration of your training, track your progress & try to change it up and keep it challenging. Make the most out of your training time & listen to your body. I love High Intensity training, training in groups and doing things fun active things I enjoy outside.  Just try to find ways to move as much as possible every day :) Hook up coastal walking dates, borrow a dog (don't steal anyones pet), get the fam and friends onboard.

4.        If you want to maximise your training time (especially if you're time-poor) and you mean business GO IN THERE WITH A PLAN- We have all been there…faffing about scrolling through Facebook doing a biceps curl here or there *NO!!!* If you are in the gym/ the park/ your living room or wherever for that period of ‘Serious Workout time’ then SMASH IT - Either google/ screenshot/ write down some form of a plan or what you are going to do and COMMIT. Saves wasting your time, annoying other gym users and actually challenges you (feel free to use some of my workouts #miss_fit_abroad). Time is precious! Of course if you are there for a perve/ to socialise by all means have fun but remember if you’re chasing results you’re unlikely to get there without a little sweat and hard work.

5.        Moderation is key- YOLO we only get one life. I am a massive advocator of balance and moderation…. eating chicken and broccoli all day er’ day and compromising on family events/ regular social opportunities is no fun (well not for me). Been there…done that... so unless you are competing or training with a strict goal/ timeline than you have to remember life is to be lived- you are beautiful and don’t be so damn hard on yourself. Its all about finding the balance and still enjoying your life. :) 

6.        Remember your body is like a fine piece of machinery. You want to use the best fuel to keep that rig in working order. Eat a healthy balanced diet, try to eat as much fresh produce and nutrient rich foods as possible and stay hydrated. (Apps like MyFitnessPal are great to help you track calories/ macros/ workouts etc but DON’T GET obsessed with it!) 

Like i said this is by no means a bible on getting shredded- I just want to share with you some tips and workout challenges and ways to keep fit and healthy while on the road. 

Thats all for now.

Stay tuned for more workouts and updates.

Buenas Noches xxx

p.s. Don't forget to follow me on Insta for more updates, my workouts & travel pics

1 comment:

  1. Tweaked this blog a little bit so it actually makes a bit more sense :p
    Probably shouldn't be writing in the middle of the night...


Just doing my thing...

Just doing my thing...

Where will I go?

Where will I go?